Maintain can help local authorities to organise maintenance-promotion events.
These are usually part of a local Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI), a heritage-led regeneration scheme funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Authorities are increasingly aware that grant-aiding repairs, alone, will not get the best result for the locality and that it is worthwhile to invest in longer-term awareness of the need to maintain buildings in a historic area.

picture of a building with bubbles indicating issues

spot the warning signs

We have organised these events in:

  • Wolverhampton
  • Gloucester
  • Burslem (Stoke on Trent)

The format of the event is entirely flexible and is tailored to the unique character of the area concerned. It usually consists of:

  • a presentation by a Maintain speaker to local residents and businesses about the importance of maintenance, illustrated by examples from the locality;
  • an illustrated handout for all participants; and
  • a walkabout immediately afterwards, pointing out the problems in the area to participants, assisted by the use of high-level CCTV to show maintenance and repair problems at high levels not normally visible from the ground.

If your authority is interested in one of these events, please let us know via the Contacts page.